As a Creative, if your CD has shared a project you worked on you may be eligible for a prize.
At the begging of all BOV meetings, 7 CDs are selected at random to present their work.
For these presentations, the Creatives who worked on the projects are invited to present too. You will have time (usually around 1 minute) to share your part of the creative process and provide insights into what it was like to develop the work.
After all the selected projects have been presented, there is a voting for 1) Favorite Project, 2) Best CD Presentation, and 3) Best Creative Presentation.
Creatives who were part of the winning team for Favorite Project can win up to $200 for first place and up to $150 for second place. (If there is more than one Creative on the project, the prize money will be divided evenly so the CD and both creatives will have the same prize.)
Creatives who verbally presented work are eligible for the Best Creative Presentation. The winner receives a $100 cash prize.